How To Own Your Positivity.

Happy business people laughing against white background
Credit: Go See Kit

Positivity is greatly influenced by external surroundings; of course you are going to be happier when good things are happening to you, but being positive is more about internal thoughts – being happy really is a choice, and you can create and use your own positivity by doing a few things:

Take A Second to Breathe

Life can be pretty overwhelming sometimes, so it is a good idea to take a moment to breathe, chill out, have a nap, meditate, and think everything over.

Live By Cheerful Mottos

Every cloud has a silver lining’ – this may be a little old and cliché, but it is a good place to start with positive thinking, by looking for the good in any situation. ‘Everything happens for a reason’ – I find this saying ridiculously comforting. No matter what happens, good or bad, however life goes, I find it so reassuring to think that there is a reason behind it. ‘Amor fati’ – loosely translated from Latin, this means ‘love of one’s fate.’ This is one of my all-time favourite sayings, because it is similar to the saying above, in that it reminds you to embrace everything that happens.

Don’t Live In Denial

When something bad really does happen, you need to accept the situation for what it is. You need to be sad before you can be happy and process everything in order to feel better about it later. You can’t pretend that everything is fine. You need to grieve, mourn, and cry, before you can think rationally about anything. Don’t pretend that you’re not upset; embrace all of your emotions to work through them.

Think Of Everything Good About A Situation / Appreciate What You Have

Do you have great friends? A loving partner? A wonderful family? The career you want? Amazing travel plans? An adorable pet? If you have even one of these things then you are doing incredible in life. Maybe you have been fired, or are recently single, BUT have supportive friends and family by your side. No matter what is going on, there is always something that you can be thankful for. Even if it is something small, like your pet being happy to see you when you come home, there is always something you can appreciate about life.

Look To The Future

It is easy to aspire to a happy life, and your life can be whatever you want it to be (within reason – you cannot guarantee that you will be a millionaire or famous or anything), but it is easy to accomplish the basic things in life that can make you happy. It is nice to think about what you want from life and how amazing your future could be. If things are not going your way right now just remember that it is not for forever!

Do Little Things That Make You Happy

Eat your favourite food, listen to an album that makes you happy, or watch a feel-good film. Praise all of your accomplishments no matter how small, and give yourself cute little pep talks whenever you feel like you need them.

Make Others Happy

Being nice to others, even when you do not feel like it, and putting them in a good mood can make you feel more cheery too. Rather than feeling bitter or resentful because you’re in a bad mood, creating a general happy atmosphere will make everyone feel good. If you are nice to other people, they will most likely be nice to you back and be there to cheer you up when you really need a helping hand in feeling good.

Leave Positive Messages

This is similar to giving yourself pep talks, by doing things like leaving yourself little post-it notes lying around with smiley faces and messages reminding you that you can do it, and that you’re a great person, and that you are trying your best. You cannot always rely on others to lift you up, sometimes you have to really appreciate and support yourself.

Being positive is super fun and can get you through some tough situations. Being a happier and more positive person is beneficial to wellbeing, so try it out!

Words by Ally Mclaren

5 Ways To Simplify Your Life

Credit: Victor Habchy/Flickr

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius

We spend a lot of time rushing through life, buying everything we want to buy, achieving everything we want to achieve and trying so hard to be the best people we can possibly be. However, life is not as complicated as we make it. If you strip back to the bare bones of what life is really about and de-clutter your mind to focus on what really matters, you can live a simple life, here’s five ways you can do it.

1. Gratitude – Learn how to love the life you have instead of wanting more. Express your gratitude daily for the things you often take for granted, having all of your senses, the ability to breathe, the beauty of nature. We never appreciate what we have until it’s gone, always be grateful. Be aware of your surroundings and when you wake up each day, think of five things you are thankful for and do the same thing every night before you go to sleep

2. Unplug – The society that we live in relies heavily on phones and computers and sharing our lives on social media. Instead of waking up and checking your emails and scrolling through your Facebook news feed, take a moment in your day to just be, unplug and walk away from every screen. By having a digital detox, you can not only reconnect with your friends and family but yourself. Enjoy your life, don’t live it through a filter on Instagram or status update.

3. Relax – Sometimes we overextend ourselves and try to do too much, you have to learn to say no. In this fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in a web of endless to-do lists, constant deadlines and high expectations. Try to live one day at a time and learn to say no to people and situations that are only going to cause you unnecessary stress. Relax and enjoy some time to yourself each day, whether you love to read, write, draw or paint, find a creative outlet that you love.

4. Love People Not Possessions – Life is not a competition to see how many gadgets you can buy. It’s always nice to have nice things but the people you have in your life are more important than material possessions. Surround yourself with good people, find friends who lift you up when you feel down and remove all toxic relationships from your life.

5. Let Go – Letting go of the past and the uncertainty of the future will allow you the freedom to live in the present. Let go of what you can’t change and focus on what you can change. If you spend too much time living in the past or thinking about the future, you will never appreciate the time you have been given to achieve your dreams and live a happy life.